My Attention
a poem by thenorm
i prefer to think
that God talks to me
if i listen
when i listen
and sometimes
He whispers.
and i reply, in
my infinite wisdom,
"no God, not now
i'm having too
much fun..."
and i walk on
and because
He Loves Me
He Lets Me.
and i wander down
and He talks some
more a little
louder .this time
but i still say
"not now, God.
it only twinges."
and i walk on
in the Pouring Rain
and God says one
more time "Girl,
what are you gonna do?
Get out of the Pouring
and this time because
The Rain has slashed my face
i agree.
"Okay, God," I answer
as i stare into The Sky.
"now that You've got
My Attention,
where do i go
from Here?